Joining data

Lecture 7



  • No late work is accepted. Always turn something in! You can use the code chunk option #| eval: FALSE or (worst case scenario) turn in the .qmd file if your PDF won’t render.

  • The AEs are very similar to labs. If you can’t recall how to do something, return to the AE!

  • Render after every question and don’t go on to the next question if you aren’t able to render- fix the problem first

  • Let’s go over Lab 2, Q6a - don’t overwrite the dataset!

Options for a tibble

# A tibble: 437 × 28
     PID county  state  area poptotal popdensity popwhite popblack popamerindian
   <int> <chr>   <chr> <dbl>    <int>      <dbl>    <int>    <int>         <int>
 1   561 ADAMS   IL    0.052    66090      1271.    63917     1702            98
 2   562 ALEXAN… IL    0.014    10626       759      7054     3496            19
 3   563 BOND    IL    0.022    14991       681.    14477      429            35
 4   564 BOONE   IL    0.017    30806      1812.    29344      127            46
 5   565 BROWN   IL    0.018     5836       324.     5264      547            14
 6   566 BUREAU  IL    0.05     35688       714.    35157       50            65
 7   567 CALHOUN IL    0.017     5322       313.     5298        1             8
 8   568 CARROLL IL    0.027    16805       622.    16519      111            30
 9   569 CASS    IL    0.024    13437       560.    13384       16             8
10   570 CHAMPA… IL    0.058   173025      2983.   146506    16559           331
# ℹ 427 more rows
# ℹ 19 more variables: popasian <int>, popother <int>, percwhite <dbl>,
#   percblack <dbl>, percamerindan <dbl>, percasian <dbl>, percother <dbl>,
#   popadults <int>, perchsd <dbl>, percollege <dbl>, percprof <dbl>,
#   poppovertyknown <int>, percpovertyknown <dbl>, percbelowpoverty <dbl>,
#   percchildbelowpovert <dbl>, percadultpoverty <dbl>,
#   percelderlypoverty <dbl>, inmetro <int>, category <chr>
midwest |>
# A tibble: 13 × 28
     PID county  state  area poptotal popdensity popwhite popblack popamerindian
   <int> <chr>   <chr> <dbl>    <int>      <dbl>    <int>    <int>         <int>
 1   561 ADAMS   IL    0.052    66090      1271.    63917     1702            98
 2   562 ALEXAN… IL    0.014    10626       759      7054     3496            19
 3   563 BOND    IL    0.022    14991       681.    14477      429            35
 4   564 BOONE   IL    0.017    30806      1812.    29344      127            46
 5   565 BROWN   IL    0.018     5836       324.     5264      547            14
 6   566 BUREAU  IL    0.05     35688       714.    35157       50            65
 7   567 CALHOUN IL    0.017     5322       313.     5298        1             8
 8   568 CARROLL IL    0.027    16805       622.    16519      111            30
 9   569 CASS    IL    0.024    13437       560.    13384       16             8
10   570 CHAMPA… IL    0.058   173025      2983.   146506    16559           331
11   571 CHRIST… IL    0.042    34418       819.    34176       82            51
12   572 CLARK   IL    0.03     15921       531.    15842       10            26
13   573 CLAY    IL    0.028    14460       516.    14403        4            17
# ℹ 19 more variables: popasian <int>, popother <int>, percwhite <dbl>,
#   percblack <dbl>, percamerindan <dbl>, percasian <dbl>, percother <dbl>,
#   popadults <int>, perchsd <dbl>, percollege <dbl>, percprof <dbl>,
#   poppovertyknown <int>, percpovertyknown <dbl>, percbelowpoverty <dbl>,
#   percchildbelowpovert <dbl>, percadultpoverty <dbl>,
#   percelderlypoverty <dbl>, inmetro <int>, category <chr>
midwest |>
  select(county, state, percbelowpoverty, percollege)
# A tibble: 437 × 4
   county    state percbelowpoverty percollege
   <chr>     <chr>            <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 ADAMS     IL               13.2        19.6
 2 ALEXANDER IL               32.2        11.2
 3 BOND      IL               12.1        17.0
 4 BOONE     IL                7.21       17.3
 5 BROWN     IL               13.5        14.5
 6 BUREAU    IL               10.4        18.9
 7 CALHOUN   IL               15.1        11.9
 8 CARROLL   IL               11.7        16.2
 9 CASS      IL               13.9        14.1
10 CHAMPAIGN IL               15.6        41.3
# ℹ 427 more rows
midwest |>
  relocate(county, state, percbelowpoverty, percollege)
# A tibble: 437 × 28
   county    state percbelowpoverty percollege   PID  area poptotal popdensity
   <chr>     <chr>            <dbl>      <dbl> <int> <dbl>    <int>      <dbl>
 1 ADAMS     IL               13.2        19.6   561 0.052    66090      1271.
 2 ALEXANDER IL               32.2        11.2   562 0.014    10626       759 
 3 BOND      IL               12.1        17.0   563 0.022    14991       681.
 4 BOONE     IL                7.21       17.3   564 0.017    30806      1812.
 5 BROWN     IL               13.5        14.5   565 0.018     5836       324.
 6 BUREAU    IL               10.4        18.9   566 0.05     35688       714.
 7 CALHOUN   IL               15.1        11.9   567 0.017     5322       313.
 8 CARROLL   IL               11.7        16.2   568 0.027    16805       622.
 9 CASS      IL               13.9        14.1   569 0.024    13437       560.
10 CHAMPAIGN IL               15.6        41.3   570 0.058   173025      2983.
# ℹ 427 more rows
# ℹ 20 more variables: popwhite <int>, popblack <int>, popamerindian <int>,
#   popasian <int>, popother <int>, percwhite <dbl>, percblack <dbl>,
#   percamerindan <dbl>, percasian <dbl>, percother <dbl>, popadults <int>,
#   perchsd <dbl>, percprof <dbl>, poppovertyknown <int>,
#   percpovertyknown <dbl>, percchildbelowpovert <dbl>, percadultpoverty <dbl>,
#   percelderlypoverty <dbl>, inmetro <int>, category <chr>

Recap: pivoting

  • Data sets can’t be labeled as wide or long but they can be made wider or longer for a certain analysis that requires a certain format
  • When pivoting longer, variable names that turn into values are characters by default. If you need them to be in another format, you need to explicitly make that transformation, which you can do so within the pivot_longer() function.
  • You can tweak a plot forever, but at some point the tweaks are likely not very productive. However, you should always be critical of defaults (however pretty they might be) and see if you can improve the plot to better portray your data / results / what you want to communicate.

Joining datasets

Why join?

Suppose we want to answer questions like:

Is there a relationship between
- number of QS courses taken
- having scored a 4 or 5 on the AP stats exam
- motivation for taking course
- …
and performance in this course?”

Each of these would require joining class performance data with an outside data source so we can have all relevant information (columns) in a single data frame.


For the next few slides…

x <- tibble(
  id = c(1, 2, 3),
  value_x = c("x1", "x2", "x3")

# A tibble: 3 × 2
     id value_x
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     1 x1     
2     2 x2     
3     3 x3     
y <- tibble(
  id = c(1, 2, 4),
  value_y = c("y1", "y2", "y4")

# A tibble: 3 × 2
     id value_y
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     1 y1     
2     2 y2     
3     4 y4     


left_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
     id value_x value_y
  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  
1     1 x1      y1     
2     2 x2      y2     
3     3 x3      <NA>   


right_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 3 × 3
     id value_x value_y
  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  
1     1 x1      y1     
2     2 x2      y2     
3     4 <NA>    y4     


full_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
     id value_x value_y
  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  
1     1 x1      y1     
2     2 x2      y2     
3     3 x3      <NA>   
4     4 <NA>    y4     


inner_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 2 × 3
     id value_x value_y
  <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  
1     1 x1      y1     
2     2 x2      y2     


semi_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 2 × 2
     id value_x
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     1 x1     
2     2 x2     


anti_join(x, y)
# A tibble: 1 × 2
     id value_x
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     3 x3     

Example: Passenger capacity

nycflights13 & airport capacity

You’ve previously seen the flights data available in the nycflights13 package which details all flights from one of the 3 major NYC airports in 2013.

Today we would like to answer a specific question:

What was the passenger capacity (i.e., maximum number of passengers) that could have flown out of the three airports in 2013?

To answer this we will need to know how many passenger seats each plane had available - each flight record has a tailnum which is a unique identifier for the plane, this can be linked to the planes data set which has the number of available seats for each plane.

Attempt 1


left_join(flights, planes) |>
  group_by(origin) |>
  summarize(capacity = sum(seats))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  origin capacity
  <chr>     <int>
1 EWR          NA
2 JFK          NA
3 LGA          NA

Attempt 2

left_join(flights, planes) |>
  group_by(origin) |>
  summarize(capacity = sum(seats, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  origin capacity
  <chr>     <int>
1 EWR      345268
2 JFK      179412
3 LGA       89686

Attempt 3

  flights, planes,
  by = c("tailnum" = "tailnum")
) |>
  group_by(origin) |>
  summarize(capacity = sum(seats, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  origin capacity
  <chr>     <int>
1 EWR    14454251
2 JFK    13874081
3 LGA    10522985

Application exercise


Make a bar plot of total populations of continents, where the input data are:

  1. Countries and populations
  2. Countries and continents


  • Go to the project navigator in RStudio (top right corner of your RStudio window) and open the project called ae.

  • If there are any uncommitted files, commit them, and then click Pull.

  • Open the file called ae-06-population-joining.qmd and render it.